Sunday, February 26, 2006


There is something special about pushing an old sturdy shovel into soft brown earth and replacing grass with a beautiful tree.

It causes something to grow inside my soul, as well as inside my yard.

Thursday, February 23, 2006 Psychology

so today i tried to post a comment on my own myspace profile, and it wouldn't let me. it said you have to be someone's friend to post on their profile.

im not my own friend.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

getting caught up

i got a job. i shaved. i had a mustache. now i dont.

i listened to Donald Miller read for 20 minutes from his book, To Own A Dragon, a book for young guys who grew up without dads. thats a sweet idea.

i think i might work a spot for books into my weekly budget. right now ive got a lot of cd's, vinyl, posters, shirts, and concerts to get caught up on, much to the demise of my 96 Saturn SL1.

for my job i will be working in downtown chattanooga, smack dab inbetween Chad's Records and Lupi's Pizza Pies and Greyfriar's Coffee. three of my favorite places this side of the M Eye crooked letter crooked letter Eye crooked letter crooked letter Eye hump back hump back Eye.

i dont know if i ever said this, but i read The Little Prince and i really loved it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Revolution (For Jeremy)


Revolution in four beats per minute.

Rap Rap Rap.

Knocking on my door.

who goes there. what for?

Oh! You want me to join in an army of one? Well I'll tell you son, I'm much too old for you and your revolution.

Let the earth begin to revolutionize my brain, let the birds sing a new song in my ear that disquiets my soul into action, into revolution from death and stalemate.

*and Socialism, also as a part of the exercise Jeremy and I had partaken of.


socialism protects me from myself, it protects me from others harm.

warm warm blanket wrapping around my arms in an attempt to satisfy life and the machine.

they told me what to do. i chose otherwise.

thus i lay here in dust, in cold, in death- but yet i chose life. why?

tell me what to do, tell me how to do, tell me to just simply,

i wanted life and you gave me death.

now i sit here and wander, as the machine grinds, as the machine grinds.
"Sociologist Emile Durkheim wondered what could be done to prevent anomie, that bweildering sense of not belonging. Durkheim found the answer in small groups... If it weren't for those groups, we would feel oppressed by that huge, amorphous entity known as society."- my textbook.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


A picture of Jesus with a dagger in my side. My hand holding His wrist, afraid to let him pull it out.

Some kind of blood transfusion tubes hooked up all over me.

This has multiple points of relevance to me, but I need to mull them over.

Tighter than Bowser's Trousers

Trent has a song posted. It's good man.

i like the message a lot.

"can i elaborate Andy?"

- "man, go ahead, serve some English muffin."

"well let me get the butter knife"

- "go ahead Dizzy Dustin." Ugly Duckling

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Birth and Death of Desire

Where does Desire find its home, and where does the Death of Desire begin?

kentucky was good last weekend. very good. i could write a lot of stuff but ive thought ill keep it simple.

i think god has been trying to tell me something for about a week now. i dont really know why someone would still try to tell you things even though the receiving end doesnt want to hear a damn thing you have to say.

it had something to do with the birth and death of desire.

there is a parable about someone who found something very valuable, and sold everything so he could keep it.

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45

i dont know, but this parable has been on my heart for a couple of weeks now, and it saddens me to the bones. the only thing i can think of it is that i havent treated the kingdom of god this way, and that makes me think. it brings me to a point of recognition i suppose. recognition of a topic that i shant discuss here for various reasons.

all that said, god was talking to me a lot this weekend i think, and ive got to think about these things and decide what to do.