Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stevie Wonder

Apparently Stevie Wonder has a white brother, although they say he's really black on the inside.

Sim Basketball

youve heard of Fantasy Baseball, Basketball, Football etc right?
well if you havent, its a statistical strategy online game based upon real proffessional athletes performance.

well, thats pretty nerdy, but it gets better...

there are leagues of fantasy sports, where even the players are made up. the teams are made up, everything is fake!

those are the best.

Jeff Green bought me 500 fake points to apply to my fake team for a fake upgrade next fake season.

also, just incase youre wondering how my fake team is doing: last night fake Marvin Young rocked out about 34 fake points and 9 fake rebounds on some fake niggas assess to give the Brunswick Quakes a fake win.


its time for coffee and Ecology.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Rebecca Buchanan's wedding should be pretty crunk. I heard there will be some guest appearances by the likes of Hunters, Higgins', Greens, Proudfoots, Bracegirdles, Brandybucks, Tooks, Grubbs and Chubbs, Burrowses, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Goodbodies, Brockhouses, Proudfoots, and other assorted folk. I'm gonna try to snag some Bourbon from Barliman Butterbur at the bar whilst I can...

See you at the Prancing Pony!!!

It's time to dance!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

In Honor of Friends

Jeff and Matt come down today to visit. I'm excited to be able to walk and talk with these friends. I think this word by Max Ehrmann says it right:

Ships Returning Home

We are all ships returning home laden with life's experience, memories of work, good times and sorrows, each with his special cargo;
And it is our common lot to show the marks of the voyage, here a shattered prow, there a patched rigging, and every hulk turned black by the unceasing batter of the restless wave.
May we be thankful for fair weather and smooth seas, and in times of storm have the courage and patience that mark every good mariner;
And, over all, may we have the cheering hope of joyful meetings, as our ship at last drops anchor in the still water of the eternal harbor. - Max Ehrmann

And in honor of wintery walks, I post these words by Henry David Thoreau:

It is invigorating to breathe the cleansed air. Its greater fineness and purity are visible to the eye, and we would fain stay out long and late, that the-gales may sigh through us, too, as through the leafless trees, and fit us for the winter:--as if we hoped so to borrow some pure and steadfast virtue, which will stead us in all seasons.

Monday, February 05, 2007


the only thing that came to my head was "Damn, that's a sexy tree."


Saturday, February 03, 2007

this morning i applied austrailian gardener's hand salve to my beard. it smells good now.

sitting in this building at uga, downloading John Lennon songs, reading about nature centers and stuff like that.

tonight i gotta study lipids, membranes, and something else that i forgot.

bought a meal plan, now im not hungry all the time.

sorry jeff and matt, i wont be cooking for you.