Sunday, December 24, 2006

I Know Everybody Has A Little Hard Luck Sometime

Friday, December 22, 2006

i just watched The Royal Tenenbaums and i dont know if i have seen a more beautiful movie in a long time. i dont know if there has been a movie that more completely seemed to have summed up my view of my family life: sad yet funny, fucked up yet repairable, odd yet so normal.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Solid Like Cement

Who's THAT?

damn like Hoover,
scary like Krueger,
kicked like Chuck-
tha kids rip up.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Friday, December 15, 2006

Is there peace in a past defined?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunday has no other drama

i bought it.

Sunday evening:
1. several servings of potato chips
2. a Pabst's Blue Ribbon cole beer
3. a hunk of sharp cheddar cheese
4. a 3 mile jog/walk
5. a reading of Cradle to Cradle
6. a deep sleep

i found a hidden poem that i had written down on some tablet of paper in the wee hours of the night.

i also found some really good natural inscense.

I find no such soul with blacker hole
that neither craved Nature's touch,
nor caressed Her soul.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Pretty sweet music

ive been kind of wigging out on music like this recently.

Arlene & Jack
Le Sport
Bobby Baby
Comet Gain
Army of Roger

you'll need myspace, i think.

Holy Shit- what happens when Horatio Sanz and Vanilla Ice have children?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I just watched a movie called Ithuteng. It's a documentary about young South African prison and correctional facility kids. I was only able to catch the last 15 minutes or so of it. I cried a few times, but then again, I'm a sensitive guy. Go watch it.

To Reiterate

Monday, December 04, 2006

im sitting on the pot right now, using my new laptop and using someone else's wireless connection. aint America grand?

A Few Poems.

Here are a few poems:

Where the mountains run
and the River flows,
upon the boulders of kingdoms
and the feet of our souls.

A dragonfly's wings softly touch my hand,
letting me know: I am here.

What Rolling Hills and Starry Crown,
robed in Midnight's Perfect Gown- shall set me free?