Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Song In The Air

sometimes things happen that shouldnt.


finding your lost 3 x 4 in cell phone somewhere amongst one mile of unblazed, off the trail wilderness with John Lull encouraging you as you hike along imagined paths.

such things i certainly am not worthy of.

im finding more and more that i do think that i can "work" my way towards earning God's love and forgiveness.

not the case.

i guess maybe in some sense you do "work out" your salvation- but thats not what im talking about.

anyway i bet there is something totally freeing in just simply following God, and knowing that his Love is free.

and on a note that almost makes me cry? i just found an old playlist that i made back in the day called Stateless. its boasts elliot smith, mogwai, elliot, the mercury program, hayden, sparta, unwed sailor, sloan and erlend oye.
the theme of the album was something pretty and slow. it was supposed to mention an undeserved love amidst obedience. atleast thats what i am assigning to it right now.


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