Wednesday, October 19, 2005

i miss not having my copy of The Great Divorce with me.

i let Jason and Heidi borrow it before they left for Hawaii.

at Asbury, everytime i had to poop, id walk to Tate & Fowler's room and borrow their copy and always read a particular passage where the Traveler speaks with George MacDonald's Ghost.

i would quote it to my fellow pooping Dog's in the adjacent stalls. there was some mad fellowship and theology going on in that bathroom. wow i miss those days.

ive tried to get into Searching For God Knows What, but after giving it about an hour or so i cant seem to really enjoy it much.
ive set it aside and started a couple of others : Flatland and The Silmarillion.

so far the Silmarillion is totally rocking my world. and i mean totally.

there is this book store/coffee shop in Dalton where you get a free paperback your first time.

Delvyn called, i have yet to call him back.

hey Zellyn: speaking of good albums, dont forget to remember Neil Young's Harvest


Blogger Zellyn said...

The Silmarillion rules. Guess what? Our small group is about to start The Great Divorce. Sweet, huh?

I haven't ever heard Harvest, but I think Bevin likes it.

Jesse, I love reading your comments about reading and books. Keep it up!

8:57 AM  

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